
Middlesex University-Dubai

12 May.South Africa

Students and faculty from MDX Dubai take on the Lip Sync Challenge with UPTOWN FUNK for the Class of 2019 Graduation Ceremony!


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Boosting Institution Awareness

With the FindAdmission Newsfeed, universities can amplify their institution's visibility by sharing a spectrum of content, including news, events, achievements, and critical updates. This platform fosters a robust online presence, attracting potential students from far and wide.

Targeted Marketing

The Newsfeed equips universities with the ability to finely tune their marketing endeavors, targeting specific audiences based on geographic location, interests, and academic qualifications. This precision increases the likelihood of attracting high-caliber applicants.

Fueling the Prospective Student Pipeline

By consistently disseminating updates through the Newsfeed, institutions can nurture the interest and engagement of potential students. This ongoing engagement serves to fortify the applicant pool over time. Additionally, networking and cross-promotion further expand the pool of likely students.

How to Maximize Your Newsfeed Impact

Effective Newsfeed content is a powerful tool for conveying essential information to prospective students about your institution. To make the most of this feature, consider these tips for creating engaging content:


Visual Appeal : Incorporate images or videos, as they tend to grab more attention. For best results, use images with dimensions of 1200 x 627 pixels.


Concise Messaging : Keep your content under 100 words to ensure it is fully visible on mobile and desktop devices.


Embrace Emojis : Use emojis to add personality to your posts. You can access them even on desktop devices


Engage with Questions : Encourage audience interaction by posing questions that invite responses and discussions.

Need Personalized Assistance?

If you have specific questions or need personalized assistance, our Support Team is here to help. Head over to our Contact Us page for direct assistance.